Jason Demers

Jason Demers

Founding Partner - HD Law Group

Calgary, AB
Civil Litigation Criminal Law Family Law Commercial Litigation Personal Injury Aug 16, 2022

Has anyone ever told you that you were not cut out to be a lawyer? Maybe that you didn’t fit the mold, or would be better suited for another career? Jason Demers has been told all of those things and more, but law is what he wanted to do, and he is no stranger to fighting for what he wants.
The Honourable Justice Bonnie L. Bokenfohr

The Honourable Justice Bonnie L. Bokenfohr

The Honourable Justice - Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta

, AB
Aug 11, 2022

Entering law school can feel like stepping into a strange new world, but for the Honourable Justice Bonnie L. Bokenfohr, the first year of law school at the University of Alberta was the first time she felt she had “found [her] language.”
Megan O'Neail

Megan O'Neail

Assistant General Counsel - Bell Media

Toronto, ON
Entertainment Law Jul 21, 2022

Equally inspired by Law and the Arts, Megan intuitively charted an unconventional path to a fulfilling career that combines her love of both. There is always some cohesion to your journey, even if each stage may feel completely serendipitous at the time.
Jessica Asch

Jessica Asch

Research Director - Indigenous Law Research Unit

Victoria, BC
Indigenous Law Jul 19, 2022

When Jessica Asch was in law school, nothing like her current job even existed. Although at that time she could not have even imagined her current career as a possibility, working for the Indigenous Law Research Unit has been the most engaging and gratifying work that she has ever done.
Scott Dunlop

Scott Dunlop

President & CEO - Pyrotek Special Effects Inc.

Jul 14, 2022

If you had asked Scott Dunlop what his career plan was when he entered law school in his early twenties, he would not have answered “helping some of the world’s biggest musical artists put on spectacular shows for their fans”.
Marwah Rizqy

Marwah Rizqy

Member of the National Assembly of Quebec - National Assembly of Quebec

, QC
Jul 12, 2022

Marwah Rizqy, a current Member of the National Assembly of Quebec, went to law school without even considering a political career as an option and without even knowing which area of law she wanted to practice in. After trying to find the perfect fit, tax law found her.